
Used TV Bingo Card Discounts

  • September 11 - May 31
  • All Day
  • Select local restaurants and stores

Used TV Bingo Card Discounts

Everybody wins with HSHPE’s TV Bingo Card Promotion.

Bring your daubed HSHPE Bingo Card to select local restaurants and stores for a 10% discount on your purchase.

PLUS these businesses will donate that same amount to Humane Society Hastings Prince Edward to help animals in need.

Swiss Chalet Belleville 15 Bell Boulevard, Belleville 10% off of your bill all week, excluding drinks.

Swiss Chalet Belleville

15 Bell Boulevard, Belleville
10% off of your bill all week, excluding drinks.

Tomasso’s Italian Grille 35 Front Street – Trenton 10% off of your bill every Tuesday to Saturday, excluding drinks.

Tomasso’s Italian Grille

35 Front Street – Trenton
10% off of your bill every Tuesday to Saturday, excluding drinks.

Geen’s Pharmasave 305 North Front Street – Belleville 10% off on every Thursday & Friday, not including prescriptions, lottery and bingo tickets.  

Geen’s Pharmasave

305 North Front Street – Belleville
10% off on every Thursday & Friday, not including prescriptions, lottery and bingo tickets.


John’s Variety 233 Station Street – Belleville 10% off your purchases, excluding, Lottery, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Bingo Tickets and some other items are also excluded.

John’s Variety

233 Station Street – Belleville
10% off your purchases, excluding, Lottery, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Bingo Tickets and some other items are also excluded.

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